
Monday, December 7, 2020

My tessellation.

these are my tessellation the shapes they are made out of are triangles,arrows,octagons  it was really easy to do we had to create these in maths. have you done this before.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

10 minute drill

 Today i scored 83 out of 100 in my division i was kinda hard i just have to work on my 27  77 and more in my times table i scored 90 out of 100 i have to work on my 8 x tables and 7 times tables. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

5 Senses Mt My Birthday

 My Birthday Party - Jerome

What did you see: For my 10th birthday I went to Inflatable World I saw a ton of inflatables it was super epic. When I got there I was amazed by how many inflatable I saw, as soon as we got there my mates E.G Bronson,Ceaser,Jam and my family rushed to get our socks on and and go the the leap of faith i saw my jam do an super epic backflip onto my next 


What did i hear: The thing i heard was me and my mates rushing to more inflatable on one of the inflatable it was king of the hill when we were throwing each other of the hill bronson got his face stomped on the next thing i heard was him crying we went of that inflatable when he was better we went on to the boxing ring it was a massive wait to get in the boxing ring onto my next senses.

What did you touch: When we got the boxing gloves on i could touch/feel all the sweat from other people putting there hands in the glove i went up against a random person it was kinda nerve racking because i didn't know this kid but we still ended up having fun and i pretty much destroyed him when we went on a obstacle course all my friends raced each other but i ended up coming 3rd i was still having fun even if i just came 3rd.

What did you smell: I could smell the sweat on my friend from running around so much i could also smell my cake getting prepared for me my mates a family to devour the delicious glories CAKE as we were waiting to eat the cake we decided to play a game of hiding go seek my oldest brother Jakub was in so all of my friends could hide we choose to troll him we were walking behind him as he looked behind him at a speed of light we leaped into a bouncy castle he tried to make us laugh by talking in a strange voice now onto my next senses.

What did you taste: when my cake was ready i could taste the yummy tasty chocolate cake we all stuffed our faces with food fizzy and my cake i was happy because i got to cut the beautiful yummy cake after we were finished eating  we had to wait five minutes before we got to play again so this are my senses from my birthday The END.          

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Our new playground HikiHiki

With our new playground it is super awesome its crazy how the whole playground is connected together  like an obstacle course. My favourite thing about it is the massive swings we have they are like the ones from Margret Ma hey Park me and my mates do parkour tricks. On the park the sad thing about it is that we have a time table of who gets to go on the play ground first. Heres a photo of our class on the playground.

10 minute drill

 this week i got 100 on our 10minute drill it was kinda hard but i got a not so good time i got 7:15 sec

but its not about scoring high its about accuracy but next week in gonna nail it i hope. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

My goal for math.

 Last week I set a goal it was to get a faster time last time i got 9:40 minutes and to day i got 7:49 minutes and the score i got was 99/100.

With my division last week i was doing quite bad but then this week i got 80/100 but the time i got was 10:00 minutes.