
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Thursday, December 5, 2019

my inquiry bridge.

In inquiry we have been building a suspension bridge. We used chopped up egg cartons for the bottom of the bridge for stables. My buddies are Tyson and Rhycos. We hot glue gunned the egg cartons to the card board. We use skewers to stick up then we put wire across the to of the skewers to make it look like a suspension bridge . We tried to make it look like the Brooklyn bridge. Have you seen a suspension bridge before?

Monday, December 2, 2019

Christmas clay

For Monday mashup we made Christmas clay first we had to draw four drawings after i try to make a Santa. but that was to hard to make then the next week i made a snow man as a endearment to sit by my Christmas tree to get the clay to stick we had to dip your finger in water and rub it the circle and then you put it other Peace on the water the end.

have you made some thing out of clay.?

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Friday, October 18, 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

my name in sign language



Tuesday, September 3, 2019

fire proof balloon.

Last week on Tuesday we did a science experiment about a fire proof balloon. First we had to do  was fill the balloon up with water not all the way. Second we tied the balloon then we put the balloon over the candle. After while the bottom  of the balloon was turning black. And the water was turning black is well. it did not pop so we threw it at the ground. The balloon did not pop because there was water in the balloon and the fire was just heating the water up.
Image result for fire proof balloon

Friday, August 30, 2019

Monday, August 12, 2019

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

balloon magic

Today we learnt how to make a stick go threw a balloon. First step was to blow the balloon up.
Second we had to put sellotape on balloon on each side. Third we had to gentle put a small stick or a kebab stick threw the balloon then you will have a magic balloon.
Image result for stick throw a balloon

Monday, August 5, 2019

this is a mosaic

                                                     this is how you make a mosaic

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

shopping stereotypes

shopping stereotypes
                  rage monster
                  get rage and
                  when he dosent
                  get his way.

Monday, July 29, 2019

My mosaic basketball

 have you done a mosaic before?

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Chariot of Fire!

  Sphero Chariots of fire
- activity with Elizabeth           
TASK:  Write a blog post to share with the world how you made your Sphero Chariot of Fire!

Some question
What did you do?
How did you make your Sphero Chariot of Fire?
What went wrong? We used bottle tops crad board straws and hot glue gun when we raced our Chariots of fire did not work

What worked really well?  Something you were impressed with?
What changes did you have to make to your Sphero Chariot of Fire?

What R.I.S.E values did you use and why?  Give an example…

Anything else?

Write your blog post here
For the last couple of weeks we have been making Chariots of fire we used cardboard and bottle tops hot glue guns and straws to make our Chariots of fire when we raced at the last second our Chariots of fire did not work. And in my group was aston samuel

Sphero Chariot of Fire

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

trip to orana park

 on Wednesday me and my class went on a trip to Orana park when we got there, I was super excited. to see the animals.The best animal we saw was some spider monkeys they were chilling in the sun to keep warm. Later in the day we saw very scary gorillas one of them was eating disgusting poop but before that we saw African wild dogs. are the deadly the workers that can't even go in there they have to throw the meat over the dogs were just chilling and laying down in the sun My second favourite animal we saw was the Gorillaz Later we went on the bus, my friend rhycos Fell asleep because he was really tired from their big trip

Monday, July 1, 2019

our action plan

 Plan       Names: Jayden, Bronson and Jerome
The action we have chosen is:
Beach/ street clean up

What problem will this action solve? (Pros)
birds wont eat plstic and fish
What are some of the blocks we might strike in our action project? Cons
How can we solve these blocks? picking up rubish for our community.
Our goal for our action will be makeing sure we dont see rubish on the street.

 Steps involved in the project
Details of step
 get our materials.
email permsision to CCC and surf club
go to the beach/street.
 Pick up some rubbish
 Put it in th bin.
 and Celebrate

What we need
Where could we get it?
 rubbish bags
 The warehouse
 Hardware stores for gloves
Grip Reaching Litter Rubbish Pick Up Hand Tool


Total cost

 People who could help?
What could they help with?
 Taking us to places to clean.
 liz parents CCC
 Surf club
 Ask to clean up there side of the beach thats dirty

Did we meet our goal? no
What changes would we make for next time? i dont know

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Water Cycle - Monday Mashup

                                             did you no about this?

Monday, May 13, 2019

My Tour Builder of Europe

My tour of Europe

We have been using Tour Builder to identify landmarks in Europe for Monday mashup.

Have you used tour builder before?

Friday, April 12, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

racing beebots

We finished painting our road maps then we coded the Bee bot to travel around it the challenge we faced was trying to make it go around the road.

                                                                    Have you used Bee bot.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Reading Reflection Questions

 Read your text. Answer the blue questions. Choose two Red questions to answer. What have you been reading? SamsonWhat did you like about the text? How Samson's dad caught a meteorite What are three new words you encountered in your text? pir atrocities Where did you find the text? epic Would you recommend this text? yes What happened in the text? (Use 3 words to describe the text) What problems did you encounter in the text? A word i didn't no. How does this text connect to your personal experience? What is the main idea in the text? To go on a mission What do you think will happen next in the story?

                                                             Have you used Epic?

Monday, April 1, 2019

Beebot Aventer plan

Today for  Monday Mashup we made a road for the Beebots to drive on.

Have you used Beebots before.? 

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Y6 Camp

In Week 8 I went on camp to the Waipara Adventure Centre i was excited. I thought camp was exciting because we were going to do fun Activities. At camp, I  expected to feel happy and excited. My favourite activity was giant swing because we went up high and it was scary. The activity I found most challenging was bridge building because we had to make a bridge over water with sticks. Other things I enjoyed were free time because I did flips on the tramp I can't wait for next school camp.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

My Learning Goals Term 1

Here are my learning goals for Term 1.