
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Matariki Letter

Matariki is a time to celebrate Māori and to celebrate for those who have passed. There are fire works and a soup and bread matariki is a time for growth and change. ... Matariki is the Māori name for a star constellation that rises up into the sky in mid-winter. This signals an important time in the New Zealand calendar - the Māori New Year. Matariki is a celebration of people, culture, language, spirituality and history. 

Monday, June 29, 2020

Urban eels need your help

Today we learnt about eels and how to save them from getting extinct, mainly the longfin eel. Bridget from Working Waterways Trust about how we can save urban eels that are in our own back yard.

She talked to us about the different types of fish species in NZ, galaxiids, eels and bullies. The life cycle of an eel means that they leave NZ and swim all the way to Tonga and into a deep trench. When they get there the females lay about one million eggs or 100k eggs when the eggs hatch some might get eaten by whales. Bullies eels get eaten by other eels, many eels are dying because of rubbish, water pollution and humans being careless. Stop dumping rubbish please.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Today we learnt about the Maramataka The maramataka is the traditional Māori calendar. Each year has 12 months based on the cycles of the moon. These lunar months begin and end when the moon is full, and last for about 30 days. The stars also play a part in the calendar.

do you no Maramataka.😐😐

Monday, June 15, 2020

William pike

My goal for William pike is to start to play basket ball at my house and get outside and start to exercise more. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

my goals for William pike

my goal for William pike is to get better at fitness at school when we run around the bike track.My other goal is to be able to draw anime character and make 3d shapes also start to work out when i wake up.

Friday, June 5, 2020

new Technology actives for term two

on Thursday I work with Mr Osborn he will be teaching us electronics for 8 weeks. We will be making a light we had to start with drill 18 holes on a piece of small wood but when we got one thing wrong Mr Osborn got made and expected us to get every thing so perfect it was so  annoying.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


the past week we have been working on main ideas/topic with supporting details one of the main ideas were about presidential pets and also super brain it was tricky.