
Friday, October 30, 2020

Why we need manners in our class room.

 WE need to have manners in our classroom so we can clean up and show your manners by cleaning up any mess even if it's not yours.When i talk quietly i am not getting in others personal spaces when i talk especially when you are talking to others you are using your manners by listening to your friend when he is talking.Also you can use manners when i keep my hands to myself and don't shove other people when walking in side the class and when i speak kindly i make other people around me feel calm and happy. When I say please and thank you I am respectful and use my manners. Another way to use your manners is when i ask people a question they feel respected and bad language often sounds aggressive and creates aggro  best to avoid and not use bad language. Also it doesn't make me look very intelligent or classy try and notice all the nice things that people do for you and appreciate or better still show your appreciation by being cheerful helping out others out doing things for others. Accept your own mistakes, take the blame for them and say sorry quickly. it's done.Be honest it makes people like you and like you if you tell a lie once it takes a very long time for people to trust you and want to be around you. Try to see the funny side of things when they go wrong. It helps everyone realise that often people make mistakes. And when you hurt someone or put them down the best time to do is go ahead and say sorry instead of making a big deal out of it and getting into bigger using your manners can change the world.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

isometric drawing tool.

 Today we made isometric drawings out of blocks it was quite hard as you can see i made a Rubik's cube my cube is a 4 by 6 cube. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

My tan gram


Today we done Tan Gram for maths we had to fit and also get it in the Gray gape perfectly to fit the shape in we turn the shape on a good angle.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 On Monday we went sailing at Lake Rua when we got there the teacher showed us how to set the sail boats up it looked so confusing  but I manege to set it up.It was even harder  setting the boat up in my group was Angus,Bronson,Jayden some how we were the first group to finish setting up our sail boats.When we got the boats in the water it was quite hard to sail but i got the hang of it at the end of the day w got to have free time in the water.                                

Senior Students catch the 'sailing' bug. - CTK Newsletter