
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

2021 what to say to year 7s

 Next year there  will be more year sevens coming into tangaroa as me being a year 8 next year i will show the year sevens what to do if they are confused and help them if needed and if they are shy we can help them another thing to tell them is to follow the rules and tell them where to put or were it goes.And to take care of our furniture that has been given to us and to treat our Chromebooks nicely because you will have the same Chromebook the next year and you will have to pay for the damage you have made on the Chromebook we can teach them to use there manners by not hiding there mess under there lunch box when the teachers are checking their place where they are sitting and eating and if you get caught you will get told of and if you cut the furniture you will have pay $175 and to repair the Chromebooks it cost $10 for one key plus $5 for the letter but if you break the hole keyboard it cost $145 someone in our class broke there keyboard and it costed $145 this is why you should take good care of your Chromebooks and follow the rules. Another thing is not to be dumb and noisy on the tech bus when we go to tech and not to bring your phones on the bus if you don't listen you might not be able to go to tech the following week and you will have to stay behind in another class in till they get back from tech. One more thing is that you should always listen to the teacher even if you do not want to do the thing that they want you to do just do it so this is what i will say to the year sevens next year. 

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