
Tuesday, February 25, 2020





Today we did swimming lesson/ free swim the sun was not out but luckily the pool was nice and warm.I thought the pool was going to be ice cold but no  i'm still in the four length group but i'm going to try make my way up to the 10 length group.  I'm still learning to dive into the water for our first length we had to jump in and swim to the very bottom. For as long as you could then do freestyle it's kind of hard because i'm not that good at my breathing so i take it easy and don't rush all the time i'm happy because on the way back we do breaststroke so we don't waste our energy i also like it cause it's nice and calm. For the last lengths we  did  backstroke i like it but i also hate it when the water constantly goes in my mouth nose and eyes. After that we got free me and angus and other kids did bombs   

Image result for coffin bombs in to water splash

Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday Surfing

                                 Friday Surfing           

Today is my favourite day of the week because we go surfing. This morning we quickly got the surf boards and wetsuits packed. When we got to the beach we felt the nice warm breeze also we could smell the beautiful salty water. All of us rushed to the changing rooms and jumped in to the wetsuits when we we got changed we had to carry the heavy surfing boards it was super hard for me because the wind was pounding at us which was blowing the boards. We got to the water and started to surf I could taste the salty water and felt the waves crashing up against us, one super bad thing happened Angus got pulled out by a strong rip and he got smashed by a wave and the board crashed into him at super fast speed. 


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Zumba Fridays

Today for fitness we did Zumba to the clips above. I think we will have Zumba every Friday.

My Slide Show


Today we did swimming lesson/free swim first we jumped into our togs super fast so we could jump in. Also my Teacher was Mr Redmond i was the third person to jump in the water the water was nice and warm like my cats fur. The group i am in is the four length group but today we did six lengths my first lap there i did freestyle it was quite easy on the way back we did breaststroke so we don't waste our energy. After that i had to go for another round this time it was getting a bit harder. because some people were standing up and taking breaks on my 6th lap i was in a rush to go have free swim but i was super puffed out so i took my time and but i finally made it after a super long time i was happy because i could pop bombs in the pool the end of swimming.
Image result for big splashes of water

Friday, February 14, 2020

Zumba Minion

This zumba was my favourite one because it sounds like Minions and it made me super puffed. 

Zumba friday

Today for fitness we did zumba it was super fun but hard to copy the dance moves it was also fun.

The first technology class of 2020.


                       the first technology class of 2020.                            

Today was my first session of tech at Linwood College It was awesome. My first activity was technology/coding our Teacher was Mrs Johans she taught us how to code our own maze game.It was quite difficult but I got the hang of it to make It easier she gave a piece of paper that had the coding of the game on it.But to make your it harder not all of the coding was there before our second session we ate our lunch. After lunch we did fabrics/souing It was my favourite subject at tech this teacher name is Mrs hanson she showed us how to use a fabrics/souing machine it was fun.An difficult because we had to put a tiny little piece of string throw a little gaps.When we finshed we went back to school.