
Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Today we did swimming lesson/free swim first we jumped into our togs super fast so we could jump in. Also my Teacher was Mr Redmond i was the third person to jump in the water the water was nice and warm like my cats fur. The group i am in is the four length group but today we did six lengths my first lap there i did freestyle it was quite easy on the way back we did breaststroke so we don't waste our energy. After that i had to go for another round this time it was getting a bit harder. because some people were standing up and taking breaks on my 6th lap i was in a rush to go have free swim but i was super puffed out so i took my time and but i finally made it after a super long time i was happy because i could pop bombs in the pool the end of swimming.
Image result for big splashes of water

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