
Friday, February 14, 2020

The first technology class of 2020.


                       the first technology class of 2020.                            

Today was my first session of tech at Linwood College It was awesome. My first activity was technology/coding our Teacher was Mrs Johans she taught us how to code our own maze game.It was quite difficult but I got the hang of it to make It easier she gave a piece of paper that had the coding of the game on it.But to make your it harder not all of the coding was there before our second session we ate our lunch. After lunch we did fabrics/souing It was my favourite subject at tech this teacher name is Mrs hanson she showed us how to use a fabrics/souing machine it was fun.An difficult because we had to put a tiny little piece of string throw a little gaps.When we finshed we went back to school.   

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