
Friday, May 8, 2020

paper boat comp.

                                                                                                          paper boat comp.

on Wednesday me and my family in our house had a paper boat comp who ever won would get to choose what takeaway/what we had for dinner. We had to get in to teams i was with my brother Jacob
and Levi was with Monica we had one hour and thirty mins each to make a boat.We could only use paper tape an cardboard the time flayed by then we went down to the river then of our boats went down the river me and my brother Jacob made a speed boat and Levi and Monica made a boat that i don't no what it is cooled.Well back to the race our speed boat was speeding up really fast like a real boat and we over took my brother and sisters boat and won the race for dinner we had MacDonald's.
this is what the boat looked like.       
 How to make a cool paper speed boat - YouTube

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